Fundraising Guide: How to Plan Like a Genius
Whether you lead a nonprofit, your child's PTA or community events, fundraising brings people together for causes that touch the lives of many. Organizing a successful fundraiser takes genius planning, the right tools, and seamless communication. The bigger your event gets, the more you have to keep track of.
It's tough to come up with interesting themes, coordinate volunteers, and collect money yourself - that's why we're here to help! If you need to plan a fundraising event, look no further. Take inspiration from our articles and learn more about planning record-breaking fundraisers with sign ups.
Raise money for your school
Back to school and sports seasons come with many opportunities to fundraise. Help students get the supplies and equipment they need with these ideas.
Genius Tip: Create a custom sign up theme to represent your school. Don't forget to promote your sign up by adding a QR code to your school's newsletter.
Tips & tricks for more powerful fundraising sign ups
Creating a sign up will make it easy to schedule volunteers, communicate with participants, and securely collect money. Check out ways to use our features and exceed your fundraising goals!
Genius Tip: Collect donations and process payments with our secure payment platform, SignUpGenius payments, powered by Stripe.
Start planning end-of-year fundraising
Get inspired to put the 'fun' in fundraising with ideas for holiday themed events! Start the celebration season off by hosting outdoor events like a 5k run in the fall, then get cozier during Christmas with a hot cocoa stand. You'll have enough inspiration to last until New Years.
Genius Tip: Having multiple fundraisers throughout the holiday season? Tab your sign ups and keep them together in one place so they're easy for group members or volunteers to find.
Resources for organizing group fundraising
Planning events with the people you know can be awesome. Get together with your church friends, book club buddies, or even co-workers to start.
Genius Tip: Make sure everyone has an important role by adding multiple administrators.
Helpful tool tips and extra resources
Find out even more ways to use sign ups as a secret weapon when planning your next fundraiser. Plus, get to know our partner company, Auction Frogs!
Genius Tip: Keep a headcount of your volunteers by collecting RSVPs.
Now that you have ideas for a theme, a tool to organize volunteers, and a way to collect money; you're all set! Use these resources to guide you the next time you're planning a fundraiser. Good luck!
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