Easter and Passover Event Planning Guide

Easter Brunch

Easter and Passover traditions renew our faith as we celebrate spring and provide special opportunities to bring family and community together. Get ahead on planning for all your events, and you'll have more time to reflect and enjoy the festivities!

Easter Traditions

  • Every bunny loves an Easter egg hunt! Check out our Easter games and activities and add some new twists to the classic hunt — like an Easter photo booth or bunny hop race.
  • Make your Easter egg hunt a community event by sending out a volunteer and donation sign up. Request helpers for setup and activities, and donations for egg hunt essentials and refreshments.
  • Give all your chicks and bunnies something special with an egg-cellent Easter basket! Check out our 100 Easter basket ideas from jelly beans to monogram magic.

Easter Church Services

  • Coordinate volunteers for Lenten and Easter services by sending out a service team sign up, including slots for Bible passage readers and childcare.
  • Easter church services inspire our faith and give your congregation opportunities to be involved! Recruit volunteers for everything from ushers to lemonade stands with an Easter service volunteer sign up.
  • Churches can create a Good Friday "24 Hours of Prayer" sign up to unite their community in the power of prayer.

Easter Brunch

Passover Meals + Events

Spring into meaningful event planning with these ideas, and you'll be ready to celebrate more and stress less during Easter and Passover season!

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