One of the best parts of working at SignUpGenius is seeing how people use our site to make a difference. We're so excited to be able to help churches and schools and non-profits in their efforts. Last week we got this great email from Amber:
I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how your site is helping tornado victims in Alabama.How have YOU used SignUpGenius to impact your world? Drop us a note and let us know!My church has used the site for several years. When a long-time friend lost her house in last week's storms, we all wanted to help however we could. I quickly set up a list of basic necessities they would need and posted it to Facebook along with my address so people could drop off or mail donations to them. I've updated the site daily with new items they've thought of, and donations are still pouring in, not just locally, but from Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and New York. My friends have been overwhelmed by the love and generosity of friends and complete strangers.
In the last few days, I've seen more sign-ups posted on Facebook for other victims. It's a great way to put a face and personal story to the victims and help them in a very specific way. From what I've seen, it's very effective!
Thank you for your site!