Genius Groups That Inspire Us

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There’s nothing like surprising loved ones with the perfect gift for Christmas, but giving is about more than presents piled under the tree.

At SignUpGenius, we are honored to help millions of you give back during the holidays and all year. During this season of generosity, we want to spotlight a few of the people and groups who have inspired us by making an impact in their communities and beyond.  

Groups Making a Difference 

Watch the Stories of These Genius Groups

Want to spotlight a special person you know? You can share your gratitude for someone making a difference in the community by nominating him or her for our $3,000 Real Life St. Nick Contest. They could win up to $500 with a $100 bonus for you!

contest signupgenius real life st nick

We wish you a joyful holiday season with loved ones and a Genius New Year!

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