Thanksgiving Planning Simplified

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Plan a Thanksgiving Celebration with SignUpGenius

Thanksgiving Planning Simplified

Organize a Thanksgiving dinner or potluck with online sign ups that make coordinating dishes, service opportunities, class parties and more a breeze.

Create a Sign Up

1. Create a Sign Up

Invite Your Group

2. Invite Your Group

They Sign Up Online

3. They Sign Up Online

We Send Reminders

4. We Send Reminders

Advanced Features You'll Love

Thanksgiving Dinner Table
Create Sign Ups with Exclusive Themes
Create Sign Ups with Exclusive Themes
Ask Custom Questions for Meal Planning
Ask Custom Questions for Meal Planning
Send Text Messages with Sign Up Updates
Send Text Messages with Sign Up Updates
Set Quantity Limits for Popular Dishes
Set Quantity Limits for Popular Dishes

Resource Articles

SignUpGenius Makes Soup Kitchen Scheduling Simple

Soup Kitchen Schedules Volunteers with SignUpGenius

Loaves & Fishes in Minneapolis serves more than 1,900 meals a day to the area's less fortunate - coordinating more than 7,000 volunteers a year to make operations go smoothly.

"The use of SignUpGenius has been essential for our growth," says Director of Volunteers Carly Quintus. "Loaves and Fishes uses SignUpGenius as the primary method for volunteers to sign up for opportunities as it proves to be convenient, accurate and user-friendly."

Read the story

Why Use SignUpGenius?


Intuitive wizards make it simple to set up and simple to sign up.


Collect payments, coordinate any size event and manage volunteers easily.


Use bulk email invites, automated reminders and data exports to save time.


Plan a family gathering or organize a large community service event.


Volunteers and holiday guests can see all needs at once and sign up 24-7.

Don't just take our word for it...

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