Ways that People are Changing the World: Coronavirus Sign Ups

photo of a group video conferencing call

These are unprecedented times, and we're all adjusting to how life has changed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Yet, we're inspired by the many people who are using our site in new ways to support their communities. Check out some examples of how people are shifting their group organizing efforts and some helpful tips to create your own sign up.

How People are Organizing Groups in Challenging Times

Distributing Food to School Children - With schools closed, children who qualify for free or reduced meals may no longer have access to these meals. Many organizations are creating sign ups to distribute and deliver food to students in need. See below for an example.

screenshot of meal distribution for school closures

Volunteers for the Elderly or At-Risk - Elderly and other high-risk people should maintain isolation to avoid getting the virus. This makes it difficult for them to run errands or go grocery shopping. As a result, we've seen many volunteer sign ups to help run errands, pick up groceries or deliver meals to these people. See below for an example.

screenshot of meal deliveries for elderly sign up

Picking Up Items - In order to maintain social distancing, many people are scheduling sessions for people to pick up school supplies, move out of dorms, or other activities that would normally occur with a crowd of people. See below for an example.

screenshot of university hall move-out sign up

Appointments or Sessions - Even with social distancing or isolation, many people are finding ways to connect with others. Teachers are creating sign up appointments for conferences with students and/or parents and conducting them via video conferencing. Others are hosting online exercise or yoga classes or group prayer times. People are still connecting — even if it is in a different way. See below for an example.

screenshot of online learning sessions with a teacher

Creating Your Own Sign Up

If you are coordinating your own event with a sign up, you will likely need to set up multiple time slots for volunteers or appointments. You can easily customize your sign up in this way, but the resources below can help boost your organizing toolkit. 

  • If you're creating a time slot sign up, you can automatically generate recurring time slots so that you don't have to manually enter them all. Check out this guide to show you how.
  • If you're organizing a meal delivery, we have a helpful guide for creating a meal schedule sign up. This resource shares tips and best practices to provide critical help for someone in your community.
Thinking with creativity and intention allows us to still find ways to connect during this pandemic — to serve and to make our world a better place. Creating sign ups can help us continue to find ways to bring people together while also preventing the spread of the virus.

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