How SignUpGenius Can Help Meet Congregational Needs

Sign ups help churches fulfill their missions, from planning Bible studies to coordinating meal deliveries for people in need. With SignUpGenius, you can simplify how you organize groups and stay connected, so you spend more time supporting your congregation.
Coordinate Meal Delivery
Church leaders can coordinate meal delivery for church members who are sick or homebound, busy working parents, or those who just lost a loved one. Providing meals is a practical way to express concern and care within a congregation.

Celebrate Church Life
Celebrations are another important part of church life. Celebrate with church members by signing up for shifts to care for a new baby, host a bridal shower, organize baptisms and coordinate group gifts for legacy volunteers. Plan socially distant church gatherings, online bible studies and worship experiences.

Schedule Worship Gatherings
Many churches are mapping out ways to tackle pandemic precautions while offering hybrid (on-site and online) worship experiences, and we have seen incredible creativity with how these groups are using sign ups.
Sign ups make it easy to schedule worship services and to effortlessly coordinate VBS sessions, children's ministries, and more general Sunday school experiences.
Sign ups provide slots for a limited number of people to attend classes, Bible studies and small groups. Sign ups allow you to monitor how many people are on the church campus for an event during a given time slot.

Organize Giving and Ministry Needs
Churches also use sign ups to orchestrate large giving programs such as Angel Trees, capital campaigns and food drives where hundreds of church members are contributing items all at one time.

Sign ups are even used by busy pastors and administrators for scheduling counseling appointments and meetings to discuss ministry needs.
Wherever God leads your church, sign ups will continue to be a valuable tool your congregation can use to bring order and save precious volunteer time.
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