Genius Hack: Get Enhanced Security on Sign Ups
We all like to keep things safe, right? That's why SignUpGenius gives sign up creators the ability to increase the security on their sign ups.
Use Enhanced Security to:
- Require your participants to create an account on the site.
- Require users to enter an access code to view the sign up page.
- Reject sign ups from emails that are not listed in your group.
- Hide names from other sign up participants.
To Get Started:
Log in to SignUpGenius and begin creating your sign up.
Once you get to the Settings tab, scroll down and select the Restrictions preference. You will see the option for Enhanced Security.

- Requiring Accounts: If this option is selected, it will require users to have a SignUpGenius account to sign up. When users visit your sign up page, they will be prompted to create an account or log in to their existing account before they can sign up. The login procedure also prevents users from signing someone else up.

- Requiring an Access Code: This setting allows you to create an access code that must be entered in order to view your sign up. When users go to your sign up link, the access code will populate and require users to enter the code before proceeding to the sign up page. If you select this option, sign up invitation emails from the site will include the access code. If you invite users from your own email program, be sure to give them the access code.

- Reject Sign Ups Outside the Group: This handy feature lets you limit the sign up to a specific set of users. You can create a group of email addresses to serve as an approved list and then assign that group to your sign up. If you select this particular security feature, only those email addresses listed in your group can sign up. Anyone with a different email address will not be able to sign up. If you wish to allow additional people to sign up, simply add their email addresses to the group. Genius Tip: Learn how to set up groups with this helpful guide.

For more security, you can also hide names on your sign up from participants. This is helpful if you have a sign up that requires confidentiality — such as job interview slots.
You will find this feature on the Settings step, along with the other security options. Click the gear icon next to the text "Note: Only name and comment are seen by participants." This will reveal the option to hide names on your sign up.

Once you have selected the option to hide the names on the sign up, they will no longer be visible to anyone else but you.

Now your sign up is super secure — and you didn't even have to use karate to keep it safe! See how easy it is to improve your sign up defense skills?
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