The Many Uses of SignUpGenius for Sports

sports team sign upsWhether you're a coach, a team parent, or the director of a sports league, was designed to simplify your life. By making it easy to coordinate sports events and volunteers for free with online sign ups, SignUpGenius makes sports enthusiasts everywhere look like geniuses.

Coordinate healthy game snacks. Forget the "reply to all" emails where team parents try to organize who will bring the Capri Suns and granola bars for an after game snack. Create a sign up for the whole season in minutes and let SignUpGenius email out the invitations for you. Volunteers can even receive automated reminder emails a couple of days before it's their turn to bring the snacks.

Organize volunteers for fundraisers. Whether you're coordinating a team car wash, a garage sale, or your team wants to sell a fundraising product outside the local grocery store, SignUpGenius can help organize your volunteers. You can create a volunteer sign up for a one day/one location event or a multi-day/multi-location fundraiser in minutes.

Collect monehy for a team fundraiser on a sign up. Learn more HERE

Sign up tournament volunteers. SignUpGenius is used by individual teams as well as large leagues. So if you need to coordinate a weekend long event involving thousands of volunteers, SignUpGenius is still your free solution. With a variety of privacy options for each sign up, you don't ever have to worry about the privacy of your league or its volunteers being violated.  SignUpGenius Pro offers a suite of advanced features designed for power users and large organizations to simplify the process of organizing events and people.

Schedule carpools for travel games. Your gas and your time are valuable, so why not conserve them with a carpool for all of the away games? You can include all of the details of where and when to drop off the players for the carpool in your sign up. It's also easy to create a sign up that either calls for volunteers to drive or players to ride with designated drivers. Each sign up can be tailored to your specific needs.

Organize referees and scorekeepers. Whether you simply want to post a schedule online for all of your referees and scorekeepers to see when they're working or you'd prefer to allow them to choose the games that fit best into their schedule, SignUpGenius is your answer. If any scheduling conflicts arise, it's also easy for referees and scorekeepers to swap sign up slots on their own.

Build a volunteer field maintenance schedule. There's a lot of prep work that goes into making sure the game facilities are in top shape. With an online sign up, you can get a lot of the work done by volunteers. With SignUpGenius, it's simple to create a sign up with recurring days and time slots and a variety of volunteer tasks.

Organize concession stand workers. Trying to get every open slot filled for concession stand needs can drive any volunteer coordinator a little nutty. But with SignUpGenius, the job involves little more than creating the sign up and watching it fill up. Volunteers can see all open slots at a glance and can sign up for the same shift every week or pick and choose from a variety of open shifts. If you'd like volunteers to see who else is serving, so they can work with a friend, the names of other volunteers can be seen when they sign up. If you'd prefer for the sign up to remain anonymous, that's an option too, and volunteers will simply see that a slot has been filled.

Plan end-of-season parties. Are you tired of running up and down the sidelines to figure out who's going to bring what dish to the end-of-season BBQ, not to mention who will be able to come? With an online sign up from, you can sit back in your canopied folding chair and watch the game. Let families choose their dish and RSVP, and you can even include a photo of the team on your sign up!

Organize a social event for league families. If you want to coordinate a family day at a park or get a group together to see a major league game, asking families to sign up online will provide you with an accurate head count. It's also easy to spread the word about the event by posting a link to your sign up on your social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to spread the word and increase attendance.

Check out several sample sign ups for your team:

Carpool Schedule
Snack Rotation
Concession Volunteers
End of Season Banquet

SignUpGenius can help any sports league coordinate their volunteers and events with free online sign up sheets. The possibilites are endless - get started HERE!