100 Homecoming Spirit Week Ideas
Fall is here once again, and all of a sudden, it's time to plan for homecoming! Worried about how you're going to pull off the perfect spirit week? Try a few of these 100 ideas.
What's New
- Favorite Meme - The teachers might not understand every costume, but your students will have a blast dressing as their favorite internet memes.
- App Day - Your school will look like an iPhone home screen on this spirit day as students dress as their favorite phone applications.
- Celebrity Day - Roll out the red carpet as students dress up as their favorite celebrities for the day.
- Influencer Day - If you really want to take homecoming week into the 21st century, have students dress as their favorite social media influencer.
- Current Year - Let your students' creativity loose as they dress as anything from the current year, whether it's a trend or a hit movie.
- Current Events - Pick a widely known current event in pop culture, such as a hit TV show, and have students dress around that theme.
- Who is Your Hero - Each student dresses up as a person (who is still alive) who they consider to be a hero.
- This Year's Oscars - Have your students dress in accordance with a movie from the year's round of Oscar contenders.
- Album Covers - Students recreate their favorite, school-appropriate album cover (either on their own or in a group). Everyone will have fun guessing all day long!
- Invention Day - On this spirit day, students dress as their favorite modern invention. You might be surprised at the creative costumes that emerge.
- Favorite Thing on YouTube - Students can recreate their favorite video or dress as their favorite YouTube personality for a day.
- What We've Learned Day - On this day, students can dress as anything they've learned about over the course of the school year. This is a fun way to remember all the things you've done in the year.
- Beef Day - Students pair off or group up to dress up as feuding celebrities for a day of (thankfully fake) drama.
Schedule volunteers for homecoming week events with a sign up. View an Example
School Specific
- School Colors - This is a great idea for the last day of spirit week. Keep it simple and let students dress head to toe in your school colors.
- Dress Like a Teacher - Your staff will get a kick out of this day, as students dress like their favorite teachers for the day. Bonus points if anyone actually has a case of mistaken identity at some point in the day.
- Mascot Day - Create a spirit day where students can dress up as the mascot that represents your school.
- Class Day - Each grade at your school gets an assigned color to wear on this day. The class with the most people dressed up wins!
- Uniform Day - On this day, students wear the uniform or typical attire for their favorite club/activity, whether it's a sports uniform, scout gear or a choir bow-tie.
- Dress for a Cause - Pick a cause that is important to your student body. If the cause already has a color used to represent it, have everyone dress in that color. If not, you can pick an appropriate color or outfit that students can wear to show support!
- Dress Like the Principal - Skip dress like a teacher day and have everyone dress alike when they dress like your principal! This is a great way for students to show some love to your commander in chief.
- Our School Day - On this day, students can pick anything related to your school to dress as. A school legend? Yep. That iconic cheesy poster hung in their classroom? Exactly.
- Leave Early - Raise money for charity by letting students leave 15 minutes early if they bring a dollar and wear a pre-chosen color.
- Hometown Day - Let students show their love for your city by wearing jerseys for local sports teams or shirts from local businesses.
- Pick a Player Day - If your school is small enough, let football players give their jerseys away for the day. Each student can wear a jersey for one of their friends.
- Pajama Day - One of the most classic spirit days of all time. You can never go wrong by letting everyone grab some extra Zzz's in the morning.
- Tourist Day - On this day, everyone pulls out the fanny pack and Hawaiian shirt. Your school will look like it's full of visitors.
- Dream Job - Take this day literally and let each student dress as a job that doesn't currently exist - even though they wish it did.
- Tacky Day - Whether they change their hair, socks or outfits, your students will be tough to look at with a straight face on this day.
- Jersey Day - Let your school turn into a sports league as everyone reps their favorite player for the day.
- America Day - Deck out in your red, white and blue for the most patriotic spirit day of them all.
- Beach Day - Students can wear (school appropriate) beach attire for a day that will feel positively beachy keen!
- Neon Day - Help your students stand out in the stands at the homecoming game with a neon theme.
- Rockstar Day - Unleash the inner popstar in every student with a rock-and-roll themed spirit day.
- Whiteout/Blackout - You can't go wrong with having students wear all white or all black. This is a great idea for the day of the big game!
- Heroes vs. Villains - Your school will turn into a battleground between good and evil as everyone dresses up as fictional villains and heroes for the day.
- Athletes vs. Mathletes - This is a classic face-off day. What will you pick, the calculator or the helmet?
- Reality vs. Fiction - Students get to dress as their favorite celebrity (for reality), or their favorite fictional character.
- Man vs. Machine - Students can either dress as something from nature, or something man-made for the day.
- Pets vs. Wild - Is your favorite animal domestic, or can it not be tamed? Find out on this fun animal-themed spirit day.
- Create Your Own - Does your school have its own feud? Whether it's class vs. class, mascot vs. rival or teachers vs. students, create your own face-off spirit day.
- Country vs. City - On this day, students can either dress in their overalls and boots or their "I heart NYC" tees.
- Old vs. Young - You're sure to laugh on this day. Students can dress up as their grandparents or as toddlers!
- Fancy vs. Casual - Pajamas or a ballgown? Let your students choose for themselves on this spirit day.
- Fandom vs. Fandom - Pick two popular fandoms at your school and let students dress up like their favorite band, book or TV series for the day.
Sell raffle baskets for a school fundraiser with a sign up. View an Example
Books & Movies
- Harry Potter - Head over to Hogwarts for a magical spirit day.
- The Avengers - Step into the Marvel universe and let everyone be a superhero for the day.
- Sitcom Day - Let students dress up as their favorite character from a TV sitcom. They can even group together to create whole casts!
- Classic Book Day - Your English teachers will be so excited for this day! Students can dress as their favorite character from a classic book.
- Pixar Day - Students can dress up as animated characters from classic Pixar movies.
- Lord of the Rings - Transform your school into Middle-earth for the day by having students dress as characters from Lord of the Rings.
- Author Day - Encourage reading by letting students dress as their favorite authors.
- Actor/Actress Day - On this day, students can dress up as their favorite actors — bonus points if they re-create an iconic role.
- The Walking Dead Day - Have everyone (even teachers) dress up like zombies for a spooky spirit day.
- Classic Movie Day - Students create costumes from classic movies for a day of cinema fun.
- Picture Book Day - Take it back a few years by having students dress as characters from their favorite childhood books.
- Hit Book Day - Have students dress as a character from a book that came out within the last three years. Who knows, they might get some inspiration for what to read next!
Groups and Pairs
- Twin Day - This is one of the easiest pair days to pull off. Just match with one of your friends for the day!
- Squad Day - On this spirit day, groups of students get together to dress up as a squad — any iconic group of friends from a book, movie or TV show.
- Disney Movie Day - Students can break themselves up into groups, or you can split them up by class and assign a Disney movie for each grade to dress as.
- Iconic Duo Day - Just slightly different from twin day — instead of dressing alike, students dress up as an iconic pair, from Jekyll and Hyde to Mickey and Minnie.
- Family Day - Students can dress up with their siblings, or pick a movie/television family to dress up as for the day.
- Food Day - Your school will be full of courses as students dress up with their friends to create "meals."
- Board Game Day - Students pick a board game to recreate with their friends for this spirit day.
- Peas in a Pod Day - The catch to this spirit day? Students must dress in groups of three!
- Toy Box Day - Students dress like sets of toys from their childhood, from power rangers to army men.
- Book Series Day - A group of students picks a series of books, then each student dresses as a book from that series.
- Inside-Out Day - Turn all your clothes inside out for a silly, but easy, spirit day.
- Letter Day - Pick a letter and let students dress up as anything that starts with that letter! You'll be sure to get some funny responses.
- Seasonal Day - Students dress like it's their favorite season, whether it's boots for fall or sunglasses for summer — anything is in style on this day!
- Pattern Day - The louder and more detailed the pattern is, the better!
- Hat Day - Relax your dress code for the day and let students wear their favorite hat to school.
- Silly Aerobics Day - Throw it back to the days of sweatbands and neon leggings for this spirit day, where students can wear funny workout gear.
- College Day - Students can wear the t-shirt of a college they hope to attend.
- Flannel Day - Pull out the flannels for a day that will have your students looking like lumberjacks!
- Denim Day - The most denim wins: plain and simple.
- Tacky Hair Day - You'll be sure to see some wild hairdos when this day rolls around.
- Comfy Day - A slight twist on pajama day, where students just wear as comfy of an outfit as possible!
- Holiday Day - Students dress up as their favorite holiday. You might get a few outliers that will teach you about lesser known holidays.
- Camouflage Day - You won't even be able to tell who shows up for school on this day!
- Weather Day - Pick a type of weather to dress as for the day: rain, snow, hail, etc.
- Monochromatic Day - Each student can pick whatever color they want to coordinate their entire outfit with.
Time Periods
- Ancient Greece - Pull out the white bedsheets — that's right, it's time for a toga day.
- Flower Power Day - Take it back to the 1960's with a day to celebrate all things tie-dye and floral.
- Childhood - Students get to dress as iconic characters and celebrities from their childhood.
- Medieval Day - Knights, royalty, dragons — oh my!
- 90's Day - Students can reference classic TV shows like Friends to find a cool outfit for 90's day.
- Pirate Day - Arrgh! Have your students dress up like pirates for a day that they'll forever treasure.
- Cowboy Day - Bring on the cowboy boots and hats, because we're taking it back to the Old West. Minus the horses… of course.
- 80's Day - The 80's never go out of style! Students can live their big-hair, neon dreams.
- Future Day - Students get to dress how they imagine people will dress in the future. The sky is the limit!
- Roaring 20's - Your school will dress to the nines on this 1920's themed day. Fill the school with flappers and fancy suits.
- Disco Day - Pay tribute to 1970's disco with this wacky spirit day.
Recruit Friday night football concessions volunteers with a sign up. View an Example
- Mad Scientist Day - The zanier the better for costumes on this day. Break out the lab goggles and funky hair!
- Childhood Dream Day - Students dress as what they wanted to be when they grew up.
- Singer Day - Students dress as their favorite singer, alive or dead.
- State Spirit - Dress to show your love for one of the 50 United States!
- Glitter Day - Students will be sparkling on this day — literally. The more glitter and sequins, the better.
- Superlative Day - Each student gives themselves a silly superlative and dresses the part for the day.
- Floral Day - The more flowers an outfit has on this floral-themed day, the better.
- Musical Theatre Day - Students can dress as a character from their favorite Broadway musical.
These ideas will provide tons of laughs and creative conversations during homecoming week. Now all that's left to do is win the big game!
Kayla Rutledge is a college student who spends most of her time writing, singing for her church and eating quesadillas.