If you have ever been responsible for getting people to sign up for a particular job or timeslot, or to bring or donate a specific item, you know how much work that can be. Do you find that e-mail, tons of phone calls, posting a sheet of paper on a bulletin board, flyers, or word of mouth is ineffective and too time consuming? Then here are some tips and strategies to recruit sign ups for your next event!
2. Keep in contact and gain their ongoing support. The more you keep people updated and informed about your group's news and activities, the more they'll feel like a part of the team. The more people feel like part of a team, the more they will be willing to give their time.
Create an online sign up for using SignUpGenius! SAMPLE
4. Never underestimate the value of planning. Think through your needs and create a master list of jobs and assign the right number of volunteers for each one. (Of course with an online sign up sheet it's real easy to make any necessary additions or changes as things arise.) If applicable, note which duties work best based on a person's skills, strengths, qualities, interests, abilities and resources.
5. Lots of communication and detailing is key to recruiting and retaining volunteers from event to event. Give each possible volunteer as much information as you can upfront. Include your cause, when and where the event is going to be, what they might need to bring, where to park, your contact information, what they are expected to experience and any other necessary information.
6. Make it a family affair. Be sure to let everyone know that you will gladly accept help from grandparents, siblings, caregivers and family friends.
7. Create a motivating environment by encouraging new ideas and considering any suggestions. Mutual respect, the ability to listen, and exchanging ideas form the foundation of a successful volunteer sign up. Answer any questions promptly, and make sure all of your volunteers have a full understanding of their responsibilities and exactly what they are expected to do. Be willing to discuss any possibilities.
8. Delegate a majority of the duties so you can welcome and direct the volunteers when they arrive and provide an orientation if needed. Have a clear entrance and exit strategy and make sure there is enough work for everyone to do. There is nothing worse than volunteers just standing around feeling useless. Successful delegation helps create a positive volunteering experience.
Collect money for your groups with online sign ups. Learn More
10. Provide plenty of thanks and recognition to your volunteers. Keep in touch and encourage their return. Let them know that you appreciate their involvement and that you look forward to seeing them at your next event. Let them know that next time they can bring a friend, relative or anyone else that may be looking to contribute new ideas and energy toward a very worthy cause. Be sure to provide any feedback and the results of their efforts.