The quantity limits feature allows sign up creators with a premium subscription to put restrictions on a sign up so participants can't sign up for more items than you would like.
Log into your account and view your Created sign ups. Select the pencil icon to the right of the sign up you want to edit.
Option 1: You can choose to set a limit for the maximum quantity of items a user can select on the entire sign up. For example, you can create a sign up with multiple volunteer options throughout the year that users can choose from but restrict each individual from signing up for more than five total slots. Make sure to select this option from the dropdown menu after entering your quantity limit.
Option 2: You can choose to set a limit for each item they sign up for. For example, if you only want guests to sign up for one food item slot per category (appetizers, desserts, drinks, etc.), you can assign a quantity limit of one so others have a chance to bring their famous pies to the neighborhood potluck. Make sure to select this option from the dropdown menu after entering your quantity limit.
Select Save to update your quantity limits settings.