FAQs /
Signing Up / Respond to an RSVP Sign Up
Respond to an RSVP Sign Up
Follow these simple steps to let your host know if you'll be there on an RSVP sign up!
- The view of an RSVP sign up is slightly different from a standard sign up format with two columns. When you are ready to sign up, click the RSVP Now button.
- On the next page, choose your response from the Yes, No and Maybe options and enter the number of guests attending if you respond Yes.
- If you want to sign up to bring an item for an event such as a potluck, you will see your options under the text reading Sign Me Up For.
- Under the heading labeled Available Slot, you will see a Select option with a drop-down menu.
- Select your item(s) and enter additional information in the comment field if needed.

- To bring more than one item, check the box that reads, Add more items.
- Enter your first and last name and email address. Click RSVP Now at the bottom of the page to complete your sign up.

- The Thank You page will display next.
- Click the calendar icon to add the item to your digital calendar.
- When you enter your email address, you will also receive an email confirmation. If you have an account, the event information will be saved so that you can easily view or edit the next time you log in.
- From this page, you can also click Share with Friends to spread the word through Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.