When you publish your sign up, you will see the link to the sign up page on the completion screen. Once you have published the sign up, you can log into our site and find the web address for your sign up at any time. Simply click the Created tab on your account Sign Ups page and click on the title of the sign up. When the sign up displays, copy the URL in the web browser address bar. This is the unique link to the sign up.
You can also return to the Share tab of your sign up to locate and copy the link. From the Created tab, click on the pencil icon to the right of your sign up. Move to the Share tab and click the Copy Link button to the right of the orange URL.
If you have been invited to a sign up and need to find the link, you can go to our homepage and click the magnifying glass in the top right corner. You can then enter the creator's email address to view all of the links to active sign ups in that account.