As a freshman in college, you want to make the most of your college experience. Follow these tips to make every moment count!
Learn the lay of the land. Explore your new home! Go to college orientations and familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of campus life. Once you do, it will be easier to navigate around campus. No getting-lost-on-the-way-to-class stories here!
Say YES! Get involved from DAY ONE. It's the easiest way to meet other students and learn what interests you most.
Get organized. While your classes will provide the framework for your schedule, set aside enough time for study hours, exercise hours, social time and more. Strike a balance in your newfound freedom by disciplining yourself from the get-go.
Talk to your professors. Make it clear that you are interested in succeeding in your college endeavor. If you communicate from the start, later on if a problem arises, you will be able to build on a prior relationship. If your professor holds office hours, seize the opportunity to ask questions and gain advice!
Take responsibility. You are "on your own" now, and you need to put on your big kid britches. Be honest with yourself and identify the areas where you struggle. Is it procrastination or time management? Is it reading or taking notes? Hone in on the issue and work toward improvement.
Try something new. College campuses offer a wide range of activities and events. Interested in Greek life? Want to study abroad? Looking for internships? These opportunities are yours for the taking. Go to initial informational meetings to find out more.
Stay organized. You don't want to be the one sleeping through the alarm on registration day. Set alerts and calendar reminders so that you don't miss out on important opportunities and events.
With these college survival tips, you'll be ready for success in no time. Your future self will thank you for following them!