Feed'em Soup is a community soup kitchen that serves up delicious and affordable food year-round to those in need and offers a weekly "pay-what-you-can" meal. We recently asked Executive Director Derek Gibbs about Feed'em Soup Community Project's mission and how he organizes up to 75 volunteers each week.
What is your group's mission around the holidays?
We provide a meal in a restaurant quality environment. There are so many families that cannot afford to provide a good meal for the holidays - we strive to not only give them that meal, but a place where they can celebrate the holidays.
How does your group use SignUpGenius to further your mission?
We are small - we have one employee, but staff 50 - 75 volunteers each week. SignUpGenius gives us an EASY, quick way to let the community know our staffing needs and allows them an easy, quick way to sign up. There is no messy volunteer list, time consuming phone calls, etc. It has allowed us to help us serve our community better.
What does giving back at holiday time mean to you?
Our family doesn't do much for the holidays. A few of us get together, cook, clean and nap. Our extended family lives out of state. It actually became depressing and did not feel very festive. We decided to utilize our time - rather than sit at home, why not open the kitchen and gather others who either had no one to share the holiday with or those that could not afford to. My family as well as 45 other volunteers now get together and cook for Thanksgiving and Christmas and feed a few hundred others.
The folks at Feed'em Soup have been embraced by their community and will continue to bring hope and camaraderie to their neighbors. We here at SignUpGenius are greatly touched by the work they are doing.
Do you know someone that loves to brighten up the holidays for others - a "real" Saint Nick? Please tell us about that generous person in the SignUpGenius Real Saint Nick Contest, going on now through 12/31/2013. Here's your chance to give back to that special someone and also win a prize for yourself!