Around the world, April 22nd marks Earth Day, when many fun-filled, educational events are held to shine a light on how we can care for our planet. Earth Day Texas, Inc. (EDTx) is an annual Dallas-based festival which seeks to elevate environmental awareness among Texans. This year's festival boasts 600 exhibitors and anticipates 60,000 guests.
We spoke with Teresa Norton, the Volunteer Manager for this nonprofit, who credits SignUpGenius Pro for helping her simplify volunteer coordination.
How did your group learn about "I used the site before to volunteer for a potluck at church and as PTA President."
How did you coordinate event sign ups before you found the site? "We used an internal database. And many phone calls and emails up late into the night."
What feedback have you received from others? "They like the format and the ease of selecting a volunteer opportunity. My leaders like the printed forms used to check volunteers in."
How has utilizing the site affected your life as an organizer and the organization with which you work? "I recommend SignUpGenius to everyone I connect with who recruits volunteers! SignUpGenius has really simplified our registration process."
Which features of the site have been most useful to you? "I appreciate that volunteers do not have to be SignUpGenius members to participate. The spreadsheet downloads and editing capabilities (settings, slots, add/delete/swap/move) are also very useful. The SignUpGenius Pro features I like are the opportunity to ask questions and the flexibility of the format. Also, the ability to have hidden questions and No Ads."
What would you like to tell others who are thinking about using "What I always tell people: 'Check it out. It's genius.'"
The mission of SignUpGenius is to empower groups like EDTx to change the world by making it simple to organize their events and volunteers. Learn more about EDTx on their website.
Contact us if you would like to learn more about how we can help your group with event registration or volunteer coordination!