SignUpGenius Integrates with Top CRM Solution

signupgenius plus nonprofiteasy logos on a white puzzle background

CRM (constituent relationship management) software powers valuable relationship-building data for nonprofits. From tracking touchpoints with anyone from donors and board members to staff and volunteers, CRMs do the heavy lifting so that nonprofits can get the most out of every single interaction with their community.

We're excited to announce that SignUpGenius is now integrated with NonProfitEasy, a CRM solution built for schools and nonprofits. It easily allows SignUpGenius Enterprise customers to sync sign up activity into their organization's CRM database. Working with partner companies, SignUpGenius will continue to integrate with technology that makes it easier for schools and nonprofits to manage groups and events.

Benefits of Syncing Sign Ups into a CRM

Wondering how this integration will benefit your organization? Here's a taste of what you'll get:

  • If you're storing all your information in NonProfitEasy, the integration makes it simple to see the people directly coming in through sign ups — this way, you can protect the consistency of your participant data.
  • Every time a slot (or participant account information associated with a slot) is updated on a synced sign up, that data will automatically sync in your NonProfitEasy database. This will allow for greater insights into behaviors of everyone from one-time volunteers to active donors, and help you nurture those relationships.
  • There is a vast reporting system within NonProfitEasy where your sign up data (and other data) can be organized however you need. You can run donation reports, administrative reports, event reports, even financial and QuickBooks reports. On the main dashboard, you'll be able to see total numbers for contacts, donors and beyond, along with membership trends.
screenshot of nonprofiteasy dashboard showing membership trend chart

How Does it Work?

Once you authorize the NonProfitEasy integration, you can either enable syncing for all new sign ups or manage the sign up sync for specific sign ups.

screenshot of signupgenius manage sync area

From the Sync Type dropdown, you can choose either Volunteering or General Event. This will categorize the sign up so that the data lands correctly in the CRM. The main difference is that NonProfitEasy can automatically keep track of volunteering hours as tracked through volunteering sign ups.

In addition to volunteer hours (if applicable), the fields from your sign up participants' profiles will sync with the CRM: name, email and, if provided, phone number and mailing address. When first syncing, NonProfitEasy will set up a contact card with a unique contact ID for each name and email provided. Going forward, if any of that data changes on the SignUpGenius side, it automatically syncs to NonProfitEasy.

screenshot of nonprofiteasy contact card with contact source signupgenius

Questions about NonProfitEasy? Contact their team or search for FAQs in their Support Center. You can also sign up for a Getting Started with NonProfitEasy demo. Want to know more about the integration or SignUpGenius Enterprise plans? Contact our team below to get started.

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