It's been really encouraging to watch all of the incredible nonprofits being nominated to win $1000 in our #MakeADifference Photo Contest sponsored by SlickPic. We're as excited as anybody to see who is going to have the opportunity to present a favorite nonprofit with some cash to give them a little boost in accomplishing their world changing mission.
Just as each of our users has a favorite nonprofit they enjoy helping out, here at SignUpGenius we have one of our own. We'd like to shine a spotlight on Christian Adoption Services in Matthews, NC for helping out African Christians Fellowship International maintain two boarding schools in Liberia, West Africa for 250 orphaned and indigent children.
Christian Adoption Services runs a sponsorship program to help provide food, clothing, basic medical care and schooling for the kids. A couple of our Genius staffers have had the awesome opportunity to spend time with these kids during several mission trips. They have also gotten to know a couple of the kids better through sponsorship and they will be the first to tell you, the kids are amazing! This month SignUpGenius is going to assist further by providing $1000 to help build and repair beds and purchase bednets at the boarding schools.
You may have heard that malaria is a real danger for children in Africa, and the use of bednets significantly reduces a child's chances of contracting and dying from the disease. In fact, malaria is the leading cause of death for children in Liberia, which holds the 19th worst death rate from malaria out of all the countries in the world according to the World Health Organization. The great news is that it only costs $5 to buy a bednet and protect a child. If you're interested in joining us, you can purchase a bednet or sponsor a child through today.
Whether you use our sign up tool to serve a nonprofit, enter them in our #MakeADifference Photo Contest, or join us in helping kids in Liberia, we're thankful for your partnership in making a difference in the world!
And remember, if you haven't had a chance to enter our #MakeADifference Photo Contest to nominate your favorite nonprofit for a chance to win $1000, there's still time! The contest ends on June 2, 2013. What are you waiting for? Enter now!