Look Who’s Talking About SignUpGenius
One of our favorite things at SignUpGenius is hearing from people who use our tools to make a difference. We love to share what people are saying about us and thought we would pass along some of our favorites from the past few months:
- "I recall the days before you came into existence when I (and all the other parents in the class) would receive an email from the homeroom mom with a long and detailed list of items needed for the upcoming class holiday party. I'd briefly think about what I would contribute to the party, go about my day, and then go back to respond to the email that night only to discover 57 unopened email messages in my inbox all from that same thread. … Thanks to you my dear sweet SignUpGenius, we mothers can kick back, sign in to your site, and then sign up to bring in any one item on your oh so well-organized list."
— Rachel Levy Lesser, Huffington Post (read full article)
- "Sign Up Genius is an excellent tool to help alleviate the stress of gathering materials for parties. Make a list of everything you need and send out the link!"
— Amber, Peppy Zesty Teacherista
- "Thriving online firm keeps growing its event-planning business."
— Charlotte Observer (read full article)
- "You can also have a fried rice night or a salad night, anything where there are lots of ingredients! Or just let everyone bring what they want. The site SignUpGenius.com is great for organizing a potluck."
— Lora Bumatay, Huffington Post, Six Ideas for Entertaining Without Extraordinary Spending
Plus, here are some of our favorite stories about people who used SignUpGenius to organize meaningful and unique events.
- This Virginia farm used SignUpGenius to recruit volunteers to snuggle baby goats. Not surprisingly, they filled all their slots very quickly.
— Read the story on Today.com
- This boy from Buckhead, Ga., uses SignUpGenius to collect Valentine's Day boxes for the homeless through his Homeless at Heart nonprofit.
— Read the story
- These Ohio moms organize a school "store" for needy students to get free clothes, jackets and books.
— Read the story in the Cincinnati Enquirer
- Fort Leavenworth uses SignUpGenius to help organize special gatherings for families whose loved ones are deployed.
— Read the story
Have a story to share about SignUpGenius? Send us a note.