It's hard to believe, but fall is right around the corner! At SignUpGenius, we're celebrating the back-to-school season with a big giveaway contest, discounted special offers, and exciting new features! Check out what's new and get a jumpstart on your fall planning! We want to help make this season your most organized one yet.
You've asked for it, and we've listened. On August 20th, we're unveiling a whole-new way to sign up for events and activities without ever opening your laptop. Getting organized while on the go has never been this easy! Want more details? Check out our blog on August 20th for the big news.
At SignUpGenius we love a good Back-to-School sale! We understand that trying to find just the right supplies to get organized and start the new year strong is on every teacher and parent's to do list right about now. That's why we're bringing you a special deal on an annual subscription of SignUpGenius Pro for as little as $99. With our multiple admins feature that allows you to have up to 50 administrators on one account, it only takes a single person to create all of your school's parent teacher sign ups or a committee can easily run the school's fundraisers from one account. How about taking the ads off your sign ups, adding more images to your account, or using more custom questions on a sign up? You can do it all and choose the level of Pro that is just right for your school. So hurry over to pick up this Back-to-School essential before it's gone. Offer valid through September 16th, 2013.
Here at SignUpGenius, we see examples every day of teachers sacrificing to impact their students, schools and communities in significant ways with few tangible rewards. That's why this fall, we want to honor some of those amazing teachers in the SignUpGenius Back-to-School Giveaway. Thanks to our friends over at Learning Express Toys, the nation's leading franchisor of educational toy stores, we will be rewarding one school's parent group with $1500 to splurge on some goodies for their school's teachers!