It's here! A smarter, faster, easier way to build sign ups (while still keeping everything you love).
We're here to simplify your lives, and our new Sign Up Builder makes group organizing simpler than ever. Check out some of our favorite tweaks!
We asked a handful of you to test out the new builder and were happy to hear that genius organizers like you were able to create sign ups just like normal, but with even more ease. Here's some of the feedback we got:
"I love it! So easy to use and I was able to create my sign up in WAY less time."Our mission at SignUpGenius is to empower people to change the world by making it simple to organize groups, and we hope this new Sign Up Builder makes your world-changing organizing even simpler."I love this new version, it was SO fast and easy."
"I like that with this new version you get a slight preview of what your sign up will look like. With the other one you had to go through multiple steps before getting a preview. It's nice that with this new version you get to see that right up front."
"I've used Doodle Polls for when are the best times for events, and I can say I will probably use SignUpGenius more now because of how easy it is now and it looks more professional and legitimate."