How to Sell Products on SignUpGenius

Jumping into the world of e-commerce can be exciting - and rewarding - when you have the tools to succeed. Finding the right platform to sell your products can be confusing, especially if you don’t want to deal with high fees or pay for yet another subscription.  

SignUpGenius simplifies the process of selling items online, giving you access to a range of powerful payment features. Sign ups are ideal to sell products such as: 

  • Branded merchandise 
  • School spirit wear 
  • Handmade and custom-made goods 
  • And much more! 
Whether you're the owner of an online store, a group organizer, or someone with a passion for teaching others - you can get started in just a few minutes. 

Easily process payments 

You can create a seamless shopping experience by adding payment slots to your sign up. It’s easy to set up a SignUpGenius payments account, giving customers a fast and secure way to buy products. You avoid the hassle of handling cash and checks, and money will automatically be transferred to your bank. 

If you use SignUpGenius to plan events or schedule appointments, payment slots can be integrated on the same sign up (except for sign ups created with the RSVP format). 

SignUpGenius’ custom portal pages make it easy to display multiple sign ups, so you can offer items like school spirit wear and other merchandise while promoting events. 

Customize product details 

When creating payment slots, you can choose whether to set fixed prices for items or ask customers to enter a quoted price. You also have the option to add images to showcase your products and list details in the description field.  

Want to create buzz by offering discounts on your products? It’s easy to set up discounts based on specific dates of purchase or when a certain quantity of items is purchased.  

Provide a personalized customer experience 

Are you a talented creator looking to expand your reach beyond your local community? Complete custom orders online without using a myriad of software to collect money, communicate with clients, and host your available products. 

Depending on your business, privacy may be important to clients making a purchase. By activating the hide names feature, participants will see "Already Filled" if a slot is full, or they will see the number of filled slots of the total slots available. 

You can confidentially gather information needed from your clients, like shirt sizes, using the custom questions feature. Only the sign up creator and approved administrators have access to the information submitted. 

With our premium plans, you can remove SignUpGenius branding and customize your own sign up designs to create a professional look. Once the order is placed, text a quote and other relevant information using our custom messaging feature.  

Instead of relying on messaging apps and separate payment platforms, SignUpGenius gives you the ability to take more orders with maximum efficiency. 

 Boost sales 

Get the word out about your products by promoting your sign up on social media and through digital channels like email and newsletters. You can also create a custom QR code to share your sign up at in-person events and on marketing materials.  

With premium plan subscriptions, you can generate custom reports to analyze sales data and keep up with accounting records. 

SignUpGenius isn't just a platform for managing groups – it's a valuable tool for selling products and growing your sales. From selling merchandise and receiving orders to providing a simple way to collect money, premium features give you the extra boost you need to take on the world of online commerce. Upgrade to a premium plan today and unlock the full potential of SignUpGenius! 

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